Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Digital Natives

When I spoke about Sisomo several weeks ago I attempted to quote something someone said on the Apple Bus Tour I went on in early April. Thanks to Dorothy Burt from Pt. England School I now have the actual quote about teachers of the 20th century.

“One of the challenges of the 20th century was that we spent most of it trying to perfect 19th century schools.” Stephen Heppell

This quote has a strong resonance for me, as I believe it is vital that we all make sure we don't do this with this century.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Assignment 2 Outline

For this project I will be running a wiki for the teaching team I lead. We will be investigating the Multiple Intelligences through the following social software:

– Wikipedia
– Stumbleupon – a tool that enables users to follow the most common next step of other visitors to a particular website.
– Social bookmarking – del.icio.us
– Facebook or myspace

People in my team will follow the steps of Bloom's Taxonomy to learn about the Multiple Intelligences. I will paste an outline below - I think it will change as I plan and implement the project because of the nature of a wiki, and because I am not completely happy with it at the moment.

1. Remember – Define or outline the Multiple Intelligences using Wikipedia.
2. Understand – Review the wikipedia definition, based on other sites they have found and bookmarked using del.icio.us.
3. Apply – Use stumbleupon to find where people go after wikipedia – where do they go and why?
4. Analyse – Take the Multiple Intelligences quiz – present your results on the wiki, including an image of quiz results and an explanation of how undergoing this quiz could be valuable to students (with references).
5. Evaluate – Use facebook or myspaces to find people who learn like you do, with your strengths or weaknesses and find out how they perceive the Intelligences (this is the main step I’m still not sure about, but definitely want to include facebook in some way).
6. Create – a voicethread or podcast of your learning about the Multiple Intelligences. Include a definition, an outline of your results, other people you know of that think like you, and how the Intelligences can support 21st century learners. Post on the wiki and use footprints to get other people to view & give feedback.

Would welcome any comments or thoughts!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jafari Model


This is an interesting model to consider in developing Learning Environments for students. When working on my thesis (unfortunately no more) I conducted an action research project into 'The Wiki as Collaborative Learning Tool'. While working at my previous school we were trying to choose an effective LMS and investigated ways to integrate LMSs with other online technologies. This model is useful to consider in such an undertaking. Thanks to Bill for the link to Edutechwiki!

Podcasting at Pt. England - take 2

Having had a bit more of a look round at everyone else's blogs has made me realise I need to say less and add more to my blog. Pt. England was a school I visited recently on the Apple Bus Tour. It was a low decile school in Auckland that has effectively used podcasting to improve literacy levels in their students.

Students in year five read NZ books, then podcast their reviews of what they have read. From what I understand the process they follow is:

1. Read a book.
2. Review it.
3. Turn into a podcast - script, record, edit, etc.
4. School elearning facilitator publishes to the school's blog.
5. Students leave footprints around the web to encourage visitors to their blog.
6. People view. They use RSS to monitor use and FEEDJIT to track who visits the site from around the world.

Dorothy Burt, the leader for elearning at the school conducted research into the programme during 2007 as part of an elearning Fellowship. Authentic audience in an online environment has proved the key to success in this school, as students found this to be the number one motivating factor. Knowing that people from anywhere in the world can view their work has been hugely motivating.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Podcasting at Pt. England

Will add to this later - I have started writing about this five times and just can't get going. Time to stop I think. Will have a go at adding my Inspiration notes.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I just wrote about Sisomo on the 'Flexible Learning Environments' discussion board, and thought I might continue along this vein for my next contribution to this blog.

Sisomo, or the concept of selling through Sight, Sound and Motion has powerful potential in modern classrooms. We all know the concept of the 'Digital Native, Digital Immigrant'. The Digital Native is our modern learner - the K to 12 students that are first generation to grow up in a digital world full of technology. These learners are natives to the technologies that the rest of us 'Immigrants' are having to learn to come to grips with.

Some examples of these digital technologies are: the Internet, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, social software, Computers, email, PlayStation, Wii, Xbox, wikis, blogs, myspace, bebo, podcasting, ipods, cellphones, mp3 players, computer games, console games; and the list could literally go on and on.

The point however is that these modern Digital Natives are swamped with a multitude of stimuli on a regular basis that they are both comfortable and confident with using. The regular chalk and talk classroom of the 19th and 20th century bore these students - because they don't involve the Sight, Sound and Motion they are exposed to in their lives outside of the classroom.

While I was on the Apple Bus Tour in Auckland and Tauranga recently, one phrase I heard stood out to me. As educators we spent most of the 20th century getting our heads around teaching in the 19th century (sorry I can't remember exactly who said it - I'll get back to you on that one). Styles and ways of teaching were very similar in terms of technology for most of this time. Our teaching methods and strategies have diversified but our use of technology in teaching and learning have only been truly highlighted in the 21st century.

As Digital Immigrants who grew up in the 'pre-digital' age, it is now our job to engage and motivate Digital Native learners in the 'language' that most appeals to them. Keeping it world oriented is going to engage and motivate them. As a Digital Immigrant who is trying to learn this new language, Sisomo appeals. Keeping it simple and to these principles may make it easier to keep on track - remember we don't have to know it all - they're the Natives - I think I'll let them teach me.