I just wrote about Sisomo on the 'Flexible Learning Environments' discussion board, and thought I might continue along this vein for my next contribution to this blog.
Sisomo, or the concept of selling through Sight, Sound and Motion has powerful potential in modern classrooms. We all know the concept of the 'Digital Native, Digital Immigrant'. The Digital Native is our modern learner - the K to 12 students that are first generation to grow up in a digital world full of technology. These learners are natives to the technologies that the rest of us 'Immigrants' are having to learn to come to grips with.
Some examples of these digital technologies are: the Internet, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, social software, Computers, email, PlayStation, Wii, Xbox, wikis, blogs, myspace, bebo, podcasting, ipods, cellphones, mp3 players, computer games, console games; and the list could literally go on and on.
The point however is that these modern Digital Natives are swamped with a multitude of stimuli on a regular basis that they are both comfortable and confident with using. The regular chalk and talk classroom of the 19th and 20th century bore these students - because they don't involve the Sight, Sound and Motion they are exposed to in their lives outside of the classroom.
While I was on the Apple Bus Tour in Auckland and Tauranga recently, one phrase I heard stood out to me. As educators we spent most of the 20th century getting our heads around teaching in the 19th century (sorry I can't remember exactly who said it - I'll get back to you on that one). Styles and ways of teaching were very similar in terms of technology for most of this time. Our teaching methods and strategies have diversified but our use of technology in teaching and learning have only been truly highlighted in the 21st century.
As Digital Immigrants who grew up in the 'pre-digital' age, it is now our job to engage and motivate Digital Native learners in the 'language' that most appeals to them. Keeping it world oriented is going to engage and motivate them. As a Digital Immigrant who is trying to learn this new language, Sisomo appeals. Keeping it simple and to these principles may make it easier to keep on track - remember we don't have to know it all - they're the Natives - I think I'll let them teach me.
I think this may be the quote you were looking for
“One of the challenges of the 20th century was that we spent most of it trying to perfect 19th century schools.” Stephen Heppell
Glad to read that this trip has really paid off for you. It is always good to get some time out to see what other people are doing and reflect on it in light of what we are trying to achieve in our own schools. One day I may get to go on an Apple Bus Trip too :)
Thanks for that quote Dorothy. The trip was great and I loved Pt England. I've worked at schools like it in the past, and felt you guys had really hit the nail on the head with your approach with your students.
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