Saturday, April 19, 2008

Podcasting at Pt. England - take 2

Having had a bit more of a look round at everyone else's blogs has made me realise I need to say less and add more to my blog. Pt. England was a school I visited recently on the Apple Bus Tour. It was a low decile school in Auckland that has effectively used podcasting to improve literacy levels in their students.

Students in year five read NZ books, then podcast their reviews of what they have read. From what I understand the process they follow is:

1. Read a book.
2. Review it.
3. Turn into a podcast - script, record, edit, etc.
4. School elearning facilitator publishes to the school's blog.
5. Students leave footprints around the web to encourage visitors to their blog.
6. People view. They use RSS to monitor use and FEEDJIT to track who visits the site from around the world.

Dorothy Burt, the leader for elearning at the school conducted research into the programme during 2007 as part of an elearning Fellowship. Authentic audience in an online environment has proved the key to success in this school, as students found this to be the number one motivating factor. Knowing that people from anywhere in the world can view their work has been hugely motivating.

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